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Yoga Evolution Retreats Terms & Conditions


The total cost of the retreat (including all food & accommodation ) is set out on our booking page. We require a non-refundable 150GBP deposit to secure your place and this should be paid at the time of the booking to guarantee a place. If for any reason you cannot pay the deposit right away then please let us know when it will be possible.

The full fee should be paid 28 days before the beginning of the retreat. Bookings will be taken on a first come first served basis and those who have paid their deposit will have priority over those who havent.

We reserve the right to refuse a place if you have not paid a deposit or full fees by the required date unless discussed with us.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are in good health when booking onto the retreat or inform us about any underlying conditions. If you should develop any illnesses then these should be communicated to us as it might be possible to make other arrangements.

Parts of the course can be physically strenuous and you voluntarily participate knowing that injury may occur.

What fees include:

-      All Yoga Classes

-      All food & accommodation and access to our designated facilities

-       transport to & from our local town Oleiros to the retreat centre

What the fees do not includes

-      Flights and travel to Oleiros

-     Insurance - You are advised to take out travel insurance

Refund Policy Guidelines

It is always our intention to ensure that you can attend our retreat courses and we will do everything we can to ensure that happens. We do understand that life does throw a few challenges our way from time to time. Please let us know not less than 28 days before the start of the course if for any reason you are unable to attend. The deposit of 150GBP is none refundable but we will refund the balance if it is possible for us to do so at the time. No refund will be given if it is less than 28 days before the start of the retreat.

Payment Deposit Dates

-     150GBP deposit upon registration

-      The whole balance will be due 28 days before the retreat starts

-      The deposit is non-refundable and covers our administration costs

Guest Pulling Out of Retreat

- Cancellation is possible up to 28 days / before the start date of the retreat.

- 28 days / 4 weeks before the course you will receive a full refund minus the deposit paid

-      If you have started the retreat and drop out part way through then you will be expected to fulfil your contract of full payment f as it is too late for someone else to take your place.
-      No refund will be given if the course has already started but it might be possible to transfer onto a future course as we do not want anybody to lose out due to unforeseen circumstances. We will let you know what courses will be available for you to attend in the future.

Procedure on how to make a cancellation

Please contact Peter & Sue or our administrator on info@yogaevolutionretreats.com in the first instance regarding cancellation and ensure that it is not less than 28 days before the start of the retreat.

If you are cancelling the course less than 28 days before the start of the course because of unforeseen circumstances then we may ask for evidence before deciding a way forward and that usually means we will transfer you to another course.

During the Course:

-      Guests conduct during the retreat

While training with us you are expected to conduct yourself in a kind and considerate way to maximise yours and everybody elses retreat experience. You are expected to attend all classes and lectures on time where possible. We will not tolerate any abusive or threatening behaviour, or language of a profane or discriminatory nature to anybody on the retreat. This will lead to instant dismissal and no refund will be given and you will be unable to attend any further or events at our retreat centre.

Cancelation/Postponement of Retreat

We reserve the right to cancel/Postpone the course at any point due to circumstances out of our control. in the event of adverse weather conditions, terror attack, societal chaos, government or other organisation strikes, war, fire, flood or any form of natural disaster.

If any of the above occurs we will try our best create another start date in the future and your payment can be transferred to that week.

If the guest refuses a future retreat date due to events out of our control then no refund will be given as we will have fulfilled our agreement with you.

Please ensure that you take out travel insurance to cover you as this is not something we are responsible for.

If we as the course providers are unable provide the course at the specified times or at a later date for reasons other than those mentioned above we will undertake to refund you in full minus the deposit.

Yoga Teachers - We offer retreats with guest teachers and sometimes it might not be possible for that specifid teacher to attend due to unforseen circumstances. We will provide another teacher for the course and you agree that this is acceptable for us to do so. We will not provide any refund if you deem this unacceptable.

Complaints Procedure

There are steps that you can follow to resolve any issue you may have arising from the retreat. We will always endeavour to resolve any complaint as soon as possible.

You may wish to involve an advocate, friend or someone else to support youat any stage.

In the first instance please speak to the individual(s) concerned, it is our sincere wish that we try to resolve the complaint informally preferably on the day.

If you are not satisfied with the response you have received, try to resolve the issue by outlining the details of your complaint including the date on which the incident happened, the names of all parties involved in the incident & in your own words all events that took place by email and send it to Peter & Sue via email: info@yogaevolutionretreats.com and we will investigate the complaint.

Your complaint will be acknowledged within 7 working days from the date it is received.

The response will contain the following information:

Name of the person who has been designated to investigate the complaint

& what support you can expect to receive during the process of thecomplaint

****In fairness to all parties and to ensure the investigator is able to investigate

the complaint in an open and meaningful way, we cannot guarantee your

anonymity. In exceptional cases, however, where a child or vulnerable adult

is involved, in accordance with national guidelines and good practice the identity

of individuals at risk will be protected.

When the person(s) who are dealing with the complaint, have had an opportunity to review & investigate your complaint , they will write to you to let you know their decision & how they propose to resolve the situation. At this point, if further relevant information comes to light, you may be asked for your comments to ensure the investigator has a balanced understanding.

The response will include the following information:

Details of the investigation

A decision about whether the complaint was upheld or not

The reason for the decision

The re-dress, if appropriate, which will be offered to you , for example,

an apology, additional help or directing you to other sources of adviceor support if it is something we feel cannot be dealt with by Peter & Sue at Evolutionary Yoga

Any other action that may be taken in light of the complaint

If it is not possible to provide a full answer to your complaint within 30

working days, the letter will outline reasons why and give a date by

which a full answer is expected.

Our swimming Pool is available from when the rain stops at the start of the year and until the rain starts at the end of the year. it is salt water and the rain disolves the salt in the water.

Copyright: Yoga Evolution Retreats 2025
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