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If you would like extra protein, such as eggs or tuna fish then we will be happy to arrange this for you but please let us know before you arrive.

retreat food

Welcome  to our beautiful, quirky, rustic kitchen with spectacular views over horseshoe terraces & the mountains beyond. Here at the retreat centre our aim is to prepare food that is incredibly tasty, totally  nutritious, that allows your digestive system to function optimally, that lends itself to vitality rather than toxicity & that sends you  home feeling the inspiration & confidence to make the necessary changes in the way you prepare food & eat, to maximise your own  health & vitality & that of your family.

daily spread


Here  at the yoga retreat centre the preparation & cooking of food is  very much a practice in mindfulness as we recognise that our thoughts  infuse our food & impact on its taste, digestibility & healing  potential. With this in mind any work in the kitchen is undertaken  joyfully from the heart with a sense of gratitude & with the deepest  respect for the alchemical nature of food . We also put great emphasis  on  the preparation of food being an act of  serving & service,  generosity & sharing.


healthy food

There  is a huge connection between the way we eat  & how we experience  our yoga practice & our lives in general.  Many if not all of our  physical & mental health problems  are caused or exasperated by the  way we eat. With this in mind we prepare food that is calming to the  mind & balancing to the body, free of common allergens such as those  found in dairy products.


We have  to start looking at the environmental impact of the ways in which we  source food & the actual food choices we make. At yoga revolution we  are careful where we order  food stuffs making sure it is fair trade  & organic  if that option is available & avoiding foods that put  a big drain on precious water resources & those that are GMO.


retreat kitchen

Although  we do not hold cookery workshops as such , we instead have an open  kitchen policy so if you want to come in the kitchen for a chat about  nutrition, to have a close look at the basic ingredients we use, to`  learn how to use a dehydrator or passive solar oven, to kibble (help  prepare the veg) for the next meal etc then you are more than welcome to  join us. We are a community based retreat centre so please feel free to  help if you want so if you have a healthy cake recipe  or an amazing  raw dessert you want to share with us, we have all the things you need  to make it happen.

vegan vege yoga retreat food


Although the food  we cook is suitable for most people, if you have any special dietary  requirements due to allergies or intolerances please let us know at the  time of your enquiry. We  recognise that as we are so diverse & unique that one particular  dietary regime is not necessarily suitable for all of us so over the  course of the week we serve you a fusion of healthy whole foods taking  influence from macrobiotics (large life Diet), Ayurveda (Indian  medicinal eating to balance the doshas (humours), vegan wholefoods, raw  & live foods.

Copyright: Yoga Evolution Retreats 2025
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