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AUTUMN - Five Element Qigong & Yoga Weekend  Immersion


Join Sue for the first of a series of five online weekend events

Payment detals at the bottom of this page

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go.” unknown

Here in Europe, Late Summer has ended and we can feel the descending Yin energy of Autumn coming into being. The fruit tree leaves & ferns have turned to burnished copper &are falling quickly, the wind is blowing stronger, there is a distinct chill in the air and the days are much shorter. This rapid change in temperature, light and atmosphere has a profound effect on us biologically and psychologically. By adjusting our lifestyle and attuning our energy to the season through Qigong & Yoga  we can make the transition smoothly & enjoy its blessings

This upcoming weekend workshop / Mini retreat  will give you the tools you need to gently guide you through the season of Autumn & to help us all cope with the exceptional challenges to our physical health & psychological wellbeing that face us all right now.

The blessing of Autumn is that is supports our ability to let go. Therefore this is an optimal time to release accumulated emotions, forgive old hurts, clear out what we don't need, calm our minds and support our Po spirit’s (the spirit of the lungs which enhances our ability to be brave). The Qigong forms& Yin Yoga Postures for Autumn focus on the Lungs& Large Intestine Organs & meridians. We will also learn helpful  breathing exercises& other practices to enhance & support the immune system and cultivate the courage to live in the present moment.

Physically. The Lungs are most vulnerable in Autumn time but also most receptive. In  Chinese Medicine the Lungs are the commanders of Qi. Every vital system and tissue in the body depends on the Lungs; they are where we take in fresh clean qi (oxygen) and release  waste  products (carbon dioxide ). Qigong exercises for Autumn focus on building the Qi in the Lungs and respiratory system through breathing methods, opening the chest and nourishing the Lung Meridian. To prepare for the upcoming Winter, it also important to boost the immune system and Wei Qi Field (this is the protective bio magneticshield which surrounds the body)

Emotionally. practices for Autumn  focus on transforming sadness or grief into courage and inspiration. Chinese poetry about the Autumn season is really melancholy  and involves crying which is  an expression of the Metal Element. Letting go is not always easy and requires release. During Autumn, depending on our disposition, the Metal Element is more prone to move out of harmony. When our internal Metal Element is deficient, emotional energy moves towards grief and sadness. If our internal metal element is excessive, we become stiff, inflexible& judgemental. A balanced Metal Element is like a virtuous warrior with a strong  sword cast from precious metal; full of courage, righteous, and able to act swiftly at just the right moment. Often emotional imbalance in the Metal Element arises from resistance to the flow of life, especially at times of transition or loss. Resistance to change commonly manifests this time of year in seasonal allergies, seasonal flu and moodiness.

Spiritually, the season of Autumn supports our ability to release the past, let go& go with the flow .When we resist letting go, the result is an accumulation of acquired Qi which is often toxic & weighs us down. We acquire external Qi from unnatural environments, other people, situations, sex, food& so much more.

We also hold on to excessive internal qi through our unprocessed beliefs, judgements, experiences, traumas and emotions. Like old leaves falling from deciduous trees, Autumns energy supports letting go of what doesnt serve us and letting go of acquired Qi, so our authentic self can shine through.

This transformational  weekend will be both action packed & nourishing & in addition to learning lots of really simple but useful practices there will be informal lectures  with lots of lifestyle & dietary advice  that will help to further enhance your lung health on all levels.  We will trace meridian pathways & also learns some useful acupressure points & gain a basic understanding of how we can incorporate the wisdom of five element theory into our everyday lives.


SATURDAY 21st  November

9  - 9.30    Breath Work

9.30  -  11.00    Morning Qigong

11.00 - Break

11.30  -  12.30     5 Element theory  lecture

12.30  -  1.00       healing sounds practice

1.00 - 3.00 - Lunch & question time

3.00 - 5.00 -  Meditation to let go & yin yoga

SUNDAY 22nd  November

9  - 9.30  Breath Work

9.30  -  11.00    Morning Qigong

11.00 - 11.30  Break

11.30  -  12.30   -    5 Element theory  lecture

12.30 - 1.00 pm  -      TBA

1.00 - 3.00 - Lunch & rest time

3.00 - 5.00 -  Lung optimisation, Empowerment affirmations & yin yoga

Venue - at home via Zoom

Cost  - £50  per weekend per household ***** If your employment has been effected by current circumstances concessions are available, please email Me .

Dress Code - loose comfortable white clothing** In the season of autumn  white assists in the purging & purifying of the lung organs.

Whats Included - 10 hours of practice, 2 hours of lectures,  chance to ask any questions you may have & an e- booklet outlining the  main practice

Payment Details & Regitration

Once we have received your payment all of the details will be sent to you to join.

Payment is via bank transfer

For the UK please use the details below.

36 The headrow

Account Details..
Bank - Halifax (HBOS)
Act name- Miss S M Billington
Sort code- 111041
Act No- 00415168

Paying from outside the UK

PT - Portugal
Bank 0035 Caixa Geral Depositos, SA
Account 0552009452200
Account Name Sue Margaret Billington
IBAN - PT50 0035 055200009452 200 83

Copyright: Yoga Evolution Retreats 2025
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